Where you there: Road to Golgotha

Many watched what they knew to be a great injustice from the sidelines, while others literally stood by and watched the drama unfold, unmoved because it was “none of their business”. Others took a moment to shake to their heads and comment on the injustice in their secret place, “ hoping and praying” that Jesus wouldn’t “suffer too much” and the rest just went about their business, too busy to watch and too occupied to comment. Where do you fall on this spectrum when it comes to the suffering of today’s world?

Would You Be Your Own Partner?

“Every wise woman builds her house, but the foolish pulls it down with her hands.” Proverbs 14:1

Letter to My First Love

I should have given you the most precious gift I had when we met- Christ. I should have loved you enough to want for you the fullness of life and joy that having him in your life brings. I was selfish because the sad truth is I was afraid that if you came into the light you would see me for the true mess I was and realise that you truly deserved better than I was (not once did it occur to me that you actually could have helped me grow in Him, just as you had helped me grow in so many other aspects of my life)- the power of Insecurity

Somewhere In Between 

Num 11:4-25, 31-34; 13:26-33; 14; 16:1-35, 41-47; 20:2-11; 21:4-9; 25:1-3 So often we talk about, hear about, and are taught about either leaving Egypt or entering the promised land in great detail. We seem to rarely get taught about how to survive “somewhere in between”. We are simply told that it’s a transient place designed toContinue reading “Somewhere In Between “

The Jonah in Me

I haven’t written in so long and, to be honest, part of me wasn’t sure if I was going to pen anything new anytime soon. When I started this blog it was simply to share my “Of a Woman” series (hence the name of webpage)- collection of fascinating findings of different characteristics of women andContinue reading “The Jonah in Me”

Tangled in Guilt

For me Guilt usually stems from the idea that I am/was a good person and as such I shouldn’t have done what I did because good people, good girls, good CHRISTIAN girls do not do that. It is tough when you become like the people you used to judge and look down upon. Simply put the source of Guilt is Self-Righteousness, where you feel that on your own you should be Perfect, Spotless, Flawless- forgetting that it is Christ who cleanses and perfects you in his blood.

Her Name Was Insecurity

For years I secretly struggled with Insecurity. If I saw myself through the eyes of Goldilocks then I would always be Mama Bear, or Papa Bear never Baby Bear- always too much or too little bur never-ever just right.

Every flaw and lack I have/had (real or imagined) I was hyper-aware of it. Secretly I obsessed over Insecurity and everything she pointed out to be “wrong” with me. But I had a ‘public face’that told a completely different story.